Emacs Prelude Terminal Arrow Keys

Tags: emacs

New Samsung 840 EVO SSD. Fresh Ubuntu installation. Happy days.

Prelude made the cut since I was starting fresh anyway. It worked well until I opened emacsclient and found that the arrow keys produced A B C and D rather than cursor movement. It smacks of vi on some of our older and crappier systems at work. This is a deal breaker.

The ErgoEmacs user list solved the issue.

The ErgoEmacs team received a bug report that matched my own, and another Prelude user even beat me there. Mapping M-o and M-O kills arrow key behavior when running Emacs in a terminal, and Prelude does just that.

To stop this behavior, open ~/.emacs.d/core/prelude-mode.el and comment out the following two key definitions:

;; (define-key map (kbd "M-o") 'prelude-smart-open-line)
;; (define-key map (kbd "M-O") 'prelude-smart-open-line-above)

Feel free to send me angry email explaining why I shouldn’t use the arrow keys at all. I’ll think fondly of you and your zeal as I delete the message without a second thought.