I’m thinking about getting in to Ceph development,
and so I’m thinking about how to quickly provision and destroy and
reprovision tiny Ceph clusters at home.
For love of blinking lights, I’ll probably build a cluster with
Banana Pi boards in the future, but for
now I’m just using libvirt and KVM.
lets me clone a template virtual machine and attach as many OSD disks
as I’d like in the process. I’m really happy with the tool
considering that I only have a day’s worth of work in it, and I got to
learn some details of the libvirt API and python bindings in the process.
I spent the last few days learning about the openSUSECeph installation process. I ran into some issues, and I’m not
done yet, so these are just my working notes for now. Once complete, I’ll
write up the process on my regular blog.
Prerequisite: build a tool to build and destroy small clusters quickly
I needed a way to quickly provision and destroy
virtual machines that were well suited to run small Ceph clusters. I mostly
run libvirt / kvm
in my home lab, and I didn’t find any solutions tailored to that platform, so
I wrote ceph-libvirt-clusterer.
lets me clone a template virtual machine and attach as many OSD disks
as I’d like in the process. I’m really happy with the tool
considering that I only have a day’s worth of work in it, and I got to
learn some details of the libvirt API and python bindings in the process.
Build a template machine
I built a template machine with
openSUSE’s tumbleweed and
completed the following preliminary configurations:
created ceph user
ceph user has a SSH key
ceph user’s public key is in the ceph user’s authorized_keys file
ceph user is configured for passwordless sudo
emacs is installed (not strictly necessary :-) )
Provision a cluster
I used ceph-libvirt-clusterer to create a four node cluster, and each node had
two 8GBOSD drives attached.
Do you want to reject the key, trust temporarily, or trust always? [r/t/a/? shows all options](r): a Retrieving repository 'ceph' metadata .........................................................................................................................................................................[done] Building repository 'ceph' cache ..............................................................................................................................................................................[done] Loading repository data... Reading installed packages...
S | Name | Summary | Type --+--------------------+---------------------------------------------------+----------- | ceph | User space components of the Ceph file system | package | ceph | User space components of the Ceph file system | srcpackage | ceph-common | Ceph Common | package | ceph-deploy | Admin and deploy tool for Ceph | package | ceph-deploy | Admin and deploy tool for Ceph | srcpackage | ceph-devel-compat | Compatibility package for Ceph headers | package | ceph-fuse | Ceph fuse-based client | package | ceph-libs-compat | Meta package to include ceph libraries | package | ceph-radosgw | Rados REST gateway | package | ceph-test | Ceph benchmarks and test tools | package | libcephfs1 | Ceph distributed file system client library | package | libcephfs1-devel | Ceph distributed file system headers | package | python-ceph-compat | Compatibility package for Cephs python libraries | package | python-cephfs | Python libraries for Ceph distributed file system | package
First issue: python was missing on the other nodes
When I installed ceph-deploy on the admin node, python was also
installed. The other nodes were still running with a bare minimum
configuration from the tumbleweed install, so python was missing, and
ceph-deploy’s install step failed.
I installed Ansible to correct the problem on all
nodes simultaneously, but Ansible requires python on the remote side, too.
That meant I had to manually install python on the remaining three nodes just
like sysadmins had to do years ago.
Second issue: all nodes need the OBS repository
I didn’t add the OBS repository to the remaining three nodes because I
wanted to see if ceph-deploy would add it automatically. I didn’t expect
that to be the case, but since this version of ceph-deploy came directly from
SUSE, there was a chance.
Fortunately Ansible works now:
ceph@linux-7d21:~/tinyceph> ansible -i ansible-inventory all -a "sudo zypper ar -f http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/filesystems:/ceph/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/ ceph" | success | rc=0 >> Adding repository 'ceph'[......done] Repository 'ceph' successfully added Enabled : Yes Autorefresh : Yes GPG Check : Yes URI : http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/filesystems:/ceph/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/
# and three more nodes worth of output...
ceph@linux-7d21:~/tinyceph> ansible -i ansible-inventory all -a "sudo zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys update"
Once both of these commands completed, ceph-deploy install worked as expected.
Third issue: I was using IP addresses
ceph-deploy new complains when provided with IP addresses:
ceph@linux-7d21:~/tinyceph> ceph-deploy new usage: ceph-deploy new [-h][--no-ssh-copykey][--fsid FSID] [--cluster-network CLUSTER_NETWORK] [--public-network PUBLIC_NETWORK] MON[MON ...] ceph-deploy new: error: must be a hostname not an IP
In the future, it’d be pretty cool if ceph-libvirt-clusterer supported
updating DNS records so I didn’t need to resort to the host file
ansible playbook that I used today:
Fourth issue: tumbleweed uses systemd, but ceph-deploy doesn’t expect that
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO] distro info: openSUSE 20150714 x86_64 [tinyceph-03][DEBUG] determining if provided host has same hostname in remote [tinyceph-03][DEBUG] get remote short hostname [tinyceph-03][DEBUG] deploying mon to tinyceph-03 [tinyceph-03][DEBUG] get remote short hostname [tinyceph-03][DEBUG] remote hostname: tinyceph-03 [tinyceph-03][DEBUG] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf [tinyceph-03][DEBUG] create the mon path if it does not exist [tinyceph-03][DEBUG] checking for done path: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-tinyceph-03/done [tinyceph-03][DEBUG] create a done file to avoid re-doing the mon deployment [tinyceph-03][DEBUG] create the init path if it does not exist [tinyceph-03][INFO] Running command: sudo /etc/init.d/ceph -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf start mon.tinyceph-03 [tinyceph-03][ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last): [tinyceph-03][ERROR] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/remoto/process.py", line 94, in run [tinyceph-03][ERROR] reporting(conn, result, timeout) [tinyceph-03][ERROR] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/remoto/log.py", line 13, in reporting [tinyceph-03][ERROR]received= result.receive(timeout) [tinyceph-03][ERROR] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/execnet/gateway_base.py", line 701, in receive [tinyceph-03][ERROR] raise self._getremoteerror() or EOFError() [tinyceph-03][ERROR] RemoteError: Traceback (most recent call last): [tinyceph-03][ERROR] File "<string>", line 1033, in executetask [tinyceph-03][ERROR] File "<remote exec>", line 12, in _remote_run [tinyceph-03][ERROR] File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 710, in __init__ [tinyceph-03][ERROR] errread, errwrite) [tinyceph-03][ERROR] File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1335, in _execute_child [tinyceph-03][ERROR] raise child_exception [tinyceph-03][ERROR] OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory [tinyceph-03][ERROR] [tinyceph-03][ERROR] [ceph_deploy.mon][ERROR] Failed to execute command: /etc/init.d/ceph -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf start mon.tinyceph-03 [ceph_deploy][ERROR] GenericError: Failed to create 4 monitors
Sure enough, a little manual inspection revealed no file at /etc/init.d/ceph and systemd integration:
ceph@tinyceph-00:~/tinyceph> ls -la /etc/init.d/ceph ls: cannot access /etc/init.d/ceph: No such file or directory ceph@tinyceph-00:~/tinyceph> sudo service ceph status * ceph.target - ceph target allowing to start/stop all ceph*@.service instances at once Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ceph.target; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: inactive (dead)
Jul 19 23:50:35 tinyceph-00 systemd[1]: Reached target ceph target allowing to start/stop all ceph*@.service instances at once. Jul 19 23:50:35 tinyceph-00 systemd[1]: Starting ceph target allowing to start/stop all ceph*@.service instances at once. Jul 19 23:50:47 tinyceph-00 systemd[1]: Stopped target ceph target allowing to start/stop all ceph*@.service instances at once. Jul 19 23:50:47 tinyceph-00 systemd[1]: Stopping ceph target allowing to start/stop all ceph*@.service instances at once. ceph@tinyceph-00:~/tinyceph> sudo service ceph start ceph@tinyceph-00:~/tinyceph> sudo service ceph status * ceph.target - ceph target allowing to start/stop all ceph*@.service instances at once Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ceph.target; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active since Mon 2015-07-20 00:24:01 EDT; 4s ago
Jul 20 00:24:01 tinyceph-00 systemd[1]: Reached target ceph target allowing to start/stop all ceph*@.service instances at once. Jul 20 00:24:01 tinyceph-00 systemd[1]: Starting ceph target allowing to start/stop all ceph*@.service instances at once.
I learned that this is a known bug,
and I’ll try all of this again with an older version of openSUSE.
… and that’s where I’m calling it a night. I’ll be back at it this week.